Friday, March 30, 2012

Big/Little Week and Initaion

                                                                                Big/Little Week and Initiation
            This week is hands down the best week of being in a sorority. It is the week before they get initiated which will happen on Sunday. The new girls are assigned big sisters who job is simply to help them make the transition into greek life and to be a good friend to them. The week before initiation is called big/little week where the bigs decorate the littles room for three days based on a theme and each day leave presents and a little note.
            You do not know who your big is and during the course of the week you try to guess who it can possibly be. My big left sticky notes in my room with little fun facts of her-self on them and that is something most bigs do. On Friday the identity of your big is revealed and it is exciting to see whether or not you correctly guessed who your big was and I did. Some bigs come up with interesting ways to reveal themselves my big had me in our suite and said your big is behind you and it felt really good to turn around and see my big.
            The bigs decorate your room three days  based on theme and it can be any day during that week. My room got decorated on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and the themes were Candy Day, Flower day, and Family/Sigma day. I had so much candy and flowers all over my room afterward, but luckily for me I got initiated around Halloween so I just gave out half of my candy then. The Last day I just got stuff showing off or family which is the pooh beer family and some Sigma clothes.
            We are ending this week on Sunday with initiation which seems scary, but it is pretty cool we just formally make the girls a sister and without doing any of that crazy cult stuff you see in movies.

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