Thursday, February 9, 2012


This is THON season and I am sure all of you know what thon is. Well as a sorority sister THON is top priority. We worked hard to raise money for THON through THON letters and canning trips. We even got in touch with our alums to ask them to donate to the cause. We raise most of our money through canning trips and we have four of those usually, but this year we only had three because one got cancelled. Canning trips are not only a great way to make money, but are also interesting and a great way to bond with sisters. This blog is all about THON and canning trips.
            I only been on one real canning trip since I just recently been initiated, but that trip was a great deal of fun. I went to a trip in Maryland and it was a five hour job that was spent watching Disney movies and joking around with my sisters. When we actually went canning we was out on the side of the road from 9 in the morning to 5 at night with lunch and bathroom breaks. It might sound long, but it is a lot of fun and the time flies by. We have alums drive by and tell us interesting stories about their THON experiences and we have a great deal of hilarious donators like this one guy was afraid he might have dropped his weed into the can lol. At night we have pretty much a big sleepover which helps us get to know each other better.
            The last canning trip was last weekend so our focus is shifted to boosting moral for our family and our dancers. Our THON family consist of three children the oldest has cancer and we dedicated a lot of time this past week sending encouraging cards to them and we cannot wait to spend time with them next week. WE also made cards for our dancers to help them survive the long 48 hours on their feet. We are going to make a banner tomorrow to hold so that are dancers can see us and feel encouraged. I can’t wait for THON next week and I hope everyone else feels the same.


  1. I have never been on a canning trip, but they sound very fun! I believe that THON is an incredible event that unites the entire school and nation (since I've seen many other colleges doing their own version on THON, though ours is the greatest). I just love how fun the whole process is and how it is for the greatest cause ever!

  2. I love canning trips. We went to Long Island last semester and stood outside of a grocery store with a bunch of signs and a couple of cans. It was a lot of fun talking to people as they passed by, especially if they were Penn State or fraternity alumni. We also stood there all day and took small breaks for food and whatnot, but at night we went into NYC and had an awesome time. I'd urge anyone to on a canning trip with some organization if they can. It's definitely worth it.

  3. It really is and since my canning trip was half an hour from D.C we went there and checked out the monuments and I even got to see the Lincoln Memorial it is so cool being able to visit new places. The fact that all the proceeds benefits a worthy cause just made it even better.

  4. As someone who has got to go canning with my THON committee, I know how awesome it is! I wish committees were assigned THON families, I am jealous. As for your blog, it's good to see sororities in a different light aside from the partying.
